"Brethren I'll tell you this: If all of a sudden you see a brother or sister in need and your first thoughts are not: "O man, how can I get in their shoes and help bear that burden", but rather your first thoughts are: "O man, if I have to help them then I'm not gonna be able to do this, I'm not going to be able to do that". God forbid brethren! Those early Christians sold their homes to help needy Christians. So what if you have to wear old clothes or get the cable TV turned off. Brethren, listen to me: are you ready to stand before the Lord on Judgement Day and say "No Lord, I did not help my brother when I saw him in need, but Lord I had the Discovery channel, Lord I had this great big 90 inch plasma HD, I had that! I didn't help that sister, but Lord look at my i-phone, I had one of those, isn't this impressive?" Brethren, that's not impressive, what's impressive is the Macedonians, that's impressive." ~Tim Conway